How to Turn Yourself into a Pepsi ™ Ball

1.  Wear blue jeans and a red t-shirt to visit your father who is waiting for a repair to the combine.

2.  Look at combine wheel well and wonder if you can fit inside.

3.  Insert self in said wheel well and have your father take photo (hence “Daddy Bean” since he took the picture).

Pepsi Ball Delly Bean

A is for Animals

Picture Heavy…

I was at the farm this weekend, so I took pics of some twin calves,


A cow who looks like she’s telling me something important,


A pike who was 55cm so I had to throw him back because the shortest he could be was 63cm,


And a nut-hatch who ran into a window but later flew away.


And then this week I finally bought myself an aquatic frog. His name is Jareth.


There’s still time to enter your name for the chickadee pendant in the “You In?” post…I’ll announce the winner very soon though…